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First, you must know the proper approach: start w/ your dominant foot back at a diagonal stance.

the approach is very fast-paced so keep on your toes, literally. 1. step w/ your back foot (NOTE: a VERY big step, but stay balanced)

2. take a small but quick step w/ your dominant foot

3. then same w/ other foot. it's actually very simple. here's mine. my dominant foot is right.

left...rightleft now, at the last step, you jump UP, not foward. Foward will push you in the net and that is an automatic point for the other team. once you are in the air, take your dominant hand and pull it back to about your shoulder. lift your other hand as high as it will go (NOTE: your rescessive arm is called your GUIDE HAND, which will help you locate the ball.) now the ball should be near your guide hand if it is a good set and your timing is right. once you have located the ball , take down your guide hand and pull your dominant hand up in a, what we big bad v-ball players call, the claw. if swung right, your ball will go straight down in front of the ten-foot line. now, listen. you can't learn volleyball overnight. Olympic ball-players didn't wake up one morning and give someone a happy birthday (when theball hits the targeted passer's face) when they first learned it. it takes time, patience, and dedication.(NOTE: if you don't like the idea of getting scratches and bloody noses, go back to recreation volleyball)

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16y ago
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11y ago

There are 3 legal ways to hit a volleyball:

Dig. Link your hands together and straighten your arms. Pass the volleyball with your "platform" (your two forearms). Get your platform straight and even, so you have control and accuracy when hitting the ball. When you dig, you shouldn't need to jump, simply bend your knees when you're getting ready, then straighten your knees as you hit; simply straightening your knees should be enough to bounce the ball high enough so that it goes over the net or flies over to the relative area of another teammate.

Set. Make a diamond with your index fingers and thumbs, spreading the rest of your fingers out and palms facing toward the sky, then pull them apart. When the ball comes above your head you make the diamond shape, and push the ball out of your fingers high into the air. When you pass the ball this way, your fingers should remain in the diamond shape until the ball is successfully set.

Spike. When a teammate sets the ball high into the air, you run up and jump as high as you can, and use an open hand to smack the midair ball into your opponents' side of the field. The idea is to smack it as hard as you can, though ensuring you're hitting down so the ball stays in the court.

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15y ago

Aim and hit the ball right when it is by you. Do not interfere with other players. Unless you say you've got it.

Be sure to add additional force to the hit. Typically the momentum of the ball falling is not enough to clear that net.

Aiming is how your hands are placed palm to palm when in front of your waist.

If you are in front. You can palm the ball with one hand using your fingers to aim, but be careful, you are not to catch the ball and then through it over, that will not get you anywhere and is illegal.

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14y ago

How to hit a volleyball depends on the type of hit you want to perform (bump/pass, dig, set, attack, or serve).

To properly bump or pass a volleyball, place one hand inside the other, balled up, with your thumbs flat over the top. Flick your wrists downward to lock your elbows down so the ball does not shank sideways, but rather to "target" or the setter. Try to place your "platform" directly under the trajectory of the ball. If done correctly, the ball should hit your thighs should your hands be moved to the side. This is also the platform used to "dig" the ball from a spike.

To set, simply push the ball at a very slight angle outward (to the attacker) with your fingertips or fingers. Try not to palm the ball, as this might be called a carrying violation by the referee.

To attack, wait for the setter to set you the ball. Stand at the attack line with your dominant foot forward. When the setter touches the ball, go through your approach, jump, and strike the ball downward with a quick motion with the palm/ball of your hand. Try not to "windmill" your arm, or bringing your arm full circle, as this will create too much power and push the ball out of bounds.

To serve, stand with your dominant foot forward. Toss the ball in the air, but not too high (try to keep it at a 2 feet toss). The ball should have a trajectory that it will land in front of your dominant foot, not on your shoulder. Use the same quick motion associated with attacking (just not in a downward motion) to strike the ball across the net.

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15y ago

Bump,Spike,Set,and Serve it are a few ways to hit a volleyball. :)

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12y ago

with 2 hands

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Q: How do you hit the volleyball over the net?
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What is the volleyball net for?

When playing volleyball, you need to hit over the net. Therefore, there are "penalties" if the ball rolls under the net or hits the net rather than over it.

What Does in the net mean in volleyball?

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They can't hit it over the net

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3 hits to try and hit the ball over the net

What is the definition of volleyball?

volleyball is a game in which two teams hit an inflated ball over a high net using their hands

What is the order of hits a team can hit in volleyball to get it over the net?

bump, set, spike

What was originally used for a net in volleyball?

a tennis net

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One team can only hit the volleyball three times to get it over the net.

In which sport can you spike the ball over the net?

the sport u can spike the ball over the net is vollyball. the spike is also known as a slam

How can we play the volleyball?

There are six players on each team. The back right player serves the volleyball over the net. If it doesn't make it over, the other team gets the serve. It it does make it over, we start the game. The best routine is bump, set, hit; or spike. Try to block when they hit it over the net.

Is it illegal to reach over the net to hit the ball in volleyball?

Im pretty sure it's legal as long as you don't touch the net.

What are the different kind of service in volleyball and their function?

There is the over-hand serve and the under-handserve. The over-hand is when you hit the volleyball with your palm or fist over your head. The under-hand is when you hit the volleyball with your palm or fist under your head. The point of both of the serves are to get the ball over the net and in between the out lines.