You need to be clever and know do something that you don't have to do and is risky.
Hand ball is a foul called to a player who accidentally or intentionally touch the ball from the hands to the biceps of a football player. If the hand ball is intentional, the referee may give a card to the player who did it (yellow or red card). The only player that is allowed to touch the ball with any part of his body is the goal keeper.
Only if it denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity.
Hmmm, that deserves an answer & I don't know.... If the last red is the ball on has the player, touching ball or not, got to make a fair attempt to play the ball on ? if he has played a foul you are entitled to play the ball as it lies or ask him to play from where the ball now is..... if he has not made a foul then I'm thinking it is simply you to play, snookered or not..... I'll see if I can find you a more comprehensive answer, but don't hold your breath.... You can breathe out now ! If the player is on a red & the cue ball is touching a colour the player must make a fair attempt to play the red & must play away from the colour. simply in the professional game the referee would call a miss if the player does not make a fair attempt, in the amateur game he must make a fair attempt to play the ball on (the red) if he does not do this then it is a foul shot. As far as I know the miss rule only applies to the professional game.
yes especially red-heads that r beutiful
Sneaky, red, or clever are three good ones.
well you get out your fatoff blade and shank the green ball, then stab the red ball and then add player two and have a gun fight :) enjoy!
when he defeated red skull
Red Ball Corporation was created in 1919.
if it denies a goalscoring opputunity a red, if not yellow and final warning