It is rare, but ussually happens in brawls that the goaloies get bored and start going at each other.
There are several places where a person can view the best goalie fights. Websites like Youtube have thousands of clips of goalie fights from hockey and even soccer.
There is a face off on the goalie's team's side of the rink.
you my friend, are stupid.
yes a goalie can reenter a game after being substituted for.
They block the hockey puck, made of solid rubber extracted from donkey balls
Marty brouduer on the devils has four
the best goalie in hockey is Roberto luongo
Most believe only in pro but it adds intensity to the game
Hockey backs are the defenders. They aren't the goalie but they help defend on behalf of the goalie. If you are playing a weak team being a back can be quite boring but if you are challenging a strong team it can be quite an interesting game for you.
the goalie only
Hockey is not very competitive at the bantam level. You should give each goalie equal playing time. Only in a tournament should you consider letting one goalie play a whole game.