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Find others to skate with. In order to get better it helps even more if they are a bit better at different tricks and cool peeps that will explain how they got the maneuver wired. Otherwise, TIME is essential. Watching Skate DVD's, reading Transworld/Thrasher can also be motivational (especially the slow-mo stuff on DVD).

Improving Skateboarding skills comes with time and practice. Knowing that you're going to fail many times before you have the trick on lock, which is landing it everytime, helps out alot. I found once you learn the basics, kickflip - fs and bs pop shuv - fs and bs 180..., practicing them everywhere. Got to go somewhere to get some cigs? Skate there and trick on the way. Even if you're not landing it. You're building confidence. In my opinion being able to do alot of flatland is sweet but being able to do the basics going fast and with obstacles is sweeter. So all in all just skate hard and commit to every trick. You can't land something you're scared of landing on. Practice going faster as you start landing the tricks more often. Once you're able to do that you'll soon figure out that all the harder tricks come real easy. Don't just keep learning new tricks all the time.

Another key point with skating is balance. Never do a trick that you're off balance on. Being perfectly balanced when jumping on your trick is key. My tips for improving balance is as follows. Walk on your toes up stairs/inclines, along with staying on your toes along things that are narrow (like smaller than your board, 8">ledge ). Another thing I did to improve my balance is gymnastic and Ballet classes. Overall ballet improved my skating more than I could tell you. I went from being ok. To being solid during my 10 week ballet class. It teaches you everything important to balance, arms, head, posture, and transitioning your weight. Everything translates to skateboarding. Not flailing your arms and keeping them out to help you balance before and after you jump helps too. If you find you're landing off balance check your arms. I find going slow your balance is less important than tricking at faster speed. All this comes from trial and error. No one person can tell you how to do it aside from being right beside you.

Never doubt yourself on the skateboard. Confidence should be oozing out of your pours along with sweat. Knowing your going to stick the trick before you do it no matter what helps you focus on landing. This relates to all sports. Through doing so many repitions the muscle memory works by its self so all you have to do is land it. Getting discouraged has made me not land a tre down a 6 stair after nearly 30 tries. Then one day I was totally confident and stuck it my first try. Remember there will be another day. You have good ones and bad ones.

Good luck. Skate hard.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

You cant get good at skateboarding straight away, you need to practice and practice and practice! But first of all you need inspiration, so type in on YouTube: Rodney Mullen.

After seeing that you should have an urge to go outside and practice, practice your ollie first( the ollie is the most important trick in skateboarding. So go out their and do it!

(by the way printing off or reading some articles about skateboarding and how to do some tricks would give some extra help)

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Simple, you practice. First learn to keep your balance. Then, look on youtube or Google "How to Ollie". You will find many techniques and a lot of good online tutors. After ollie, learn shuv its or pop shuv its. Then kickflip, etc. -- the above post is dead on correct but I need to add - Never forget to wear your pads and helmet when practicing or trying new tricks on your board. Save yourself a trip to the emergency room. I know I've been there a few times.. - VooDoo 13 -

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βˆ™ 13y ago

look up things on youtube. the first basic trick you should learn is a tailwhip. then go to a skatepark and ask other people how to do tricks, or just watch them and look up the tricks later. (just for ideas) but dont let the other skaters discourage you by telling you to move or youre horrible. thats the situation im in right now. if its THAT bad and you wanna go when nobody else is there. go at like 6am to practice. i know its a lot but im going to do it.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

practice all the time and be consistent it takes longer for some people to improve than others just be patient

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βˆ™ 13y ago

PrActice and ride with people that are better than you that will help you learn

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βˆ™ 14y ago

you practice!

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