Well it's complicated but it works. First, go to options, manage roster, create player. Then, name: Michael Jordan Position:SG Other:Dark skin tone, Appearance 1, If you want it to be accurate, make his shoes nike, and black, his stats can be anything you want, i dont think it matters Hope it helps...................................................Brett
u play franchise with a team other than Chicago and don't trade anybody plus you have to win every game on the hardest level possible and u can't get hurt anybody with injury on and don't simulate any games play them all on the last game of regular season trade your best rated player to the bulls for ben Wallace go undefeated in the playoffs win the championship and sigh mj he will show up in the free agencey catigoery it works if u do it right don't sim any games and don't trade until last season game!!!
Tim Lincecum
win the championship
Michael Jordan is not NBA Live 10 but he is on NBA 2k11.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan's awards are a NBA award
Michael Jordan is not NBA Live 10 but he is on NBA 2k11.
No...he is on NBA 2k11.
Michael Jordan is easily the goat of the NBA
Michael Jordan was 21