To bump a volleyball, you make a fist with one hand and cup it in the other. Make sure your forearms are flat. Shrug your shoulders slightly upward and make sure the ball hits your forearms, not your hands or elbows. The ball will not go anywhere otherwise. I hope this makes sense. :)
Ready position: Keep your knees bent, hands out straight palms one on top of the other making sure your thumbs are beside eachother and NOT on top of eachother.
Keep your eyes on the ball and push upward with your feet and your arms should follow through. Just remember that the energey/power comes from your legs/thighs and not your hands. Hit with your forearm NOT your hands.
A Bump.
The volleyball bump is "la manchette" (feminine noun, from manche - sleeve) in French.
Don't kick a volleyball. It will get a bump in it and most likely pop.
a bump
VOLLEYBALL comes from the word VOLLEY which means to bump or hit and a ball is a round hard/soft object.VOLLEY+BALL=VOLLEYBALL. VOLLEYBALL+ME= my life.
A bump.
"Hit" is another name for it.
It is called the forehand pass.
Bump, Set, Spike.