an eight count for cheer is a sequence of motions with in eight seconds... you may jump, tumble, dance, or cheer. the numbers are there so that you can get your squad timing together and slow down to learn propper technique.
8 seconds
TMTC (Too many to count). Watch You Tube for some videos of cheerleading bloopers.
well cheerleading has to be organized because their are different parts to the routine that go on. If you just have cheerleaders running around on the floor nobody for one will get to their place on the right count and for two their are less injuries.
yes, I do. Even though it is a small school and only about 14 girls tryout for it, you still have to. Our Squad is only 8, at least for football cheerleading. Our basket ball is 3 right now and westling is 6 with 2 alternates.
sometimes in some places
Cheerleading, one word.
In competitive cheerleading, levels are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and very rarely 6. 6 is a level for college students
ella hace cheerleading that means she does cheerleading in spanish
If you are looking for cheerleading auditions in New Jersey it will be by a cheerleading store. If your looking for cheerleading auditions in another state it will be bye a sports center or also a cheerleading store.
There is very little cheerleading at schools but there is cheerleading at professional sport games
Cheerleading in welsh is: llonni which means to cheer. there is no actua word for cheerleading.