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To cool down after a game of Netball you could put your hands behind your head, take in deep breaths and walk around slowly for a bit.

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Q: How do you cool down after a netball game?
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Yes, Netball is a team game.

How many quarters are there in a Netball game?

There are 4 quarters for netball

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How do you cool down after a netball match?

you will probably want to try and drink some water but not alot to where you feel like your going to get sick. dont sit down because then your legs will cramp up and burn inside then you wont want to move or finish your game because you will be in to much pain

When can you swap positions in a game of netball?

You may swap positions in a netball game during quarter time

How can netball benefit someone?

netball keeps you fit and it is a friendly game.

What are the forces for netball?

there is not any forces whilst playing netball, it is a game for girls...

What is a Netball PGL?

A Netball PGL is a game of netall that is PROFFESIONAL GAMING LEAGUE

Is netball a seasonal game?
