Look for a product called Dubbin. It is a product used to soften, waterproof and condition leather. It contains natural wax, oil and tallow. It has been around from medieval times. Before using, make sure the ball is clear of any foreign matter.
It is leather. Leather is brown.
A composite football is one that is constructed of composite leather. Composite leather is laminated leather that is glued to a backing.
Leather -__-
A cow
nike or Wilson but not pigskin if you get a football get a leather football.
I have read in a book that the first football pads were leather helmets and that was it. No other pads but leather helmets.
the Romans invented football because they used leather in those times and used leather to make footballs
In Brazil it's called "Bola de capotão" (a tanned leather football).
Usally leather due to its weight. However it depends how hard you throw it.
The specific properties of a leather football, because it's strong, water resistant and because it's cheap.