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The hardest part is gaining enough speed to pass the reverse field. Even too much tilting of the frisbee will slow you enough to fail. Launch frisbee when 1st shark is about to slide left. Enter ring slightly right of center, this will allow you to slip by 2nd shark (it will be on you right) and then through next ring without wavering. Enter ring slightly to left of center. Enter 1st fan approx @ 7 o'clock then to 2nd fan @ approx 5 o'clock (this takes practice) get through 3rd fan on rt side so you are as close as possible to a straight line for the triple rings. These you must enter clean thru the center of each or you will not pass reverse field. Again do this with little to no tilting of the frisbee. As you improve you will get closer & closer to the exit ring, and eventually pass. The rest of the run is fairly straight forward, it will just take practice to pass the disappearing rings and 2nd set of fans.

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Q: How do you beat bonus level 4 on frisbee forever?
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