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Tell them that's it a good exercise, its healthy, you'll be getting some fresh air, and you won't be stuck at home sitting on the couch watching tv or playing Video Games

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13y ago

you say hey wanna go running

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Q: How do you ask someone to go running with you?
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Not if you have to ask for the answer.

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Go for it and ask them out

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If you have to go online to ask this question, you shouldn't be running. Let someone else who knows what they're doing run instead.

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you can go ask the doctors or you can go ask your mom or someone in your family that you trust

What is the esayist way to ask someone out?

Go up to her and ask wanna go to a movie or something??

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You go and ask him about whether you want to have make out or not. This is very easy to do just go to him and ask this question. You will get your reply instantly.

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to ask someone to marry you. there you go! :D

What is the most random way to ask someone out?

the most random way ask someone out is to say "will you go out with me" backwards lik 'me with out go you will" and they will definitly like you, (this has been tested)

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Say the following words: How did you get out of the house? Where did you go? Who did you go with?

When is whinnie the poohs birthday?

no one really knows but i am sure someone could find out ask the Disney people or ask someone in the Disney store!! go Winnie the Pooh lol lease ask someone when you go Winnie the pooh fans :)

Why don't you ask someone out if you like them?

Because Noone has the guts. If you like someone go get them!