The same way you would ask any person. Be straightforward. And if they say no then they probably aren't worth it.
AnswerBest Dutch soccer player ever; Johan CruyffBest Dutch soccer player at present; Depends whom you ask.
no, people go to homecoming as friends all the time
how many goals have you scored this season? did you play soccer as a kid? what position are you? what is your favorite sport (besides soccer)? I hope these helped you.
If you ask of all time it is Pele. today it is Kaka.
Yes, you can get a girl to go to homecoming with you. You will need to find the girl you want to take and ask her out.
sure whats the problem, jealous a girl has more guts to ask a guy, then a guy does to ask a girl. it`s ok, it`s homecoming.
tell them that Asaad Tannous in the best player in the world and that he is so inspirational #yolo
Ask the calculator
Say, "Hey boy, you gotta Kik?"If the answer is yes, text "You. Me. Homecoming."Wait for him to reply.
Let him know you're interested in him asking you out.
A soccer player.