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High school players are scouted on two things: talent and attitude. If you have mondo talent, you can get away with more attitude, but it's not recommended. If you have less talent, a good attitude can't hurt, but it may not help. As to talent, it depends on the position you play. Quarterbacks are scouted for arm strength, accuracy, natural talent, technicals, etc. Linebackers are scouted for size, speed, strength, wits, etc. Keep in mind that the position you play in high school may not be the position you are being scouted for, if any. Most times, scouts are looking at variables which can "mixed and matched." So, if you are a linebacker, and being scouted for the above qualities, those qualities may also fit the bill as a defensive end or even a fullback. As to attitude, keep it real. Be yourself, but don't be an idiot, either on or off the field. If you're being scouted, be assured that your extracurricular activities may also be scouted. While today's athletes seem to get away with debauchery, the end of that era seems to be approaching. Owners and fans are starting to demand the old-fashioned qualities of dignity and respect. So, if you're in high school and being scouted for college, play it safe. Keep the bad boy stuff to a minimum, and then celebrate when you get that scholarship!

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To get into top-flight College Football programs, the ones that are pretty much NFL minicamps you have to EXCEL and I mean State records, outstanding numbers, 8000 yards rushing, hundred+ TDs, tremendous physique at the position, the works.

Then you get hold of all your high school tapes and make up a highlight reel and send to the coaches of the colleges you are interested in. Then you prepare to play for a Division 2 school or a junior college. Division 2 isn't football death; plenty of guys get drafted from UNH or Maine, and look where Jerry Rice came from.

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