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If a pair of matching footballs are filled to an equal pressure, one with air and one with helium, there will be no appreciable difference in their performance. Helium is less dense that air, so a balloon filled with it will have lift. It may take off if the load is light enough. Certainly a standard "party balloon" of rubber or mylar can get up, up and away without difficulty. But the lift the helium provides a football is so small compared to the mass of the ball that the distance or the so-called hang time won't be increased - at least not because of the gas. Back in the day, a punter named Ray Guy with the Oakland Raiders used to have hang times that were measured with a calendar. Accusations flew, and one was that helium was being used to inflate the ball. As stated, or as could be deduced by most anyone with a fundamental knowledge of physics (or, alternatively, someone who was willing to do just a little digging), there just isn't an appreciable amount of lift provided by that small a volume of helium when we consider the weight of the football. Let any NFL punter punt ten balls in a "test" and have five filled with helium and five with compressed air. Identical balls, identical pressures. You won't be able to pick out the helium filled balls based on the distance and/or hang times of the punts. No way.

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13y ago

If there is very low air pressure, when you throw the ball it may act like a sponge and decrease the force that is actually propelling the ball. If you have higher pressure most of the force is going into the ball and since there is more pressure it is also taking on a more aerodynamic shape e.g () There is probably more and I'm not 100% sure on this so good luck!

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10y ago

Fotballs very seldomly throw anything, so, the answer is no.

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What forces are used when a football is kicked?

gravity and friction.

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The energy in a kicked football is kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. As the football is kicked, it gains kinetic energy due to its movement. Additionally, there may be potential energy in the football if it is kicked from a height or position where gravity plays a role in its motion.

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