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Most goods are shipped by truck.

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Q: How do goods get around in Spain?
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How do people ideas or goods move around Spain?

Ideas in Spain move by snail mail, telephone, e-mail, and word of mouth. Most goods move by truck.

Goods the Spain brought over to the U.S.?

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How did Columbus failed attempt to find Asia actually benefit Spain?

He brought gold, and goods for Spain.

What goods does Spain trade with the US?

some goods are guitars

What does Spain use to export goods?


What are some of the goods and services in Spain?


How does Spain import and export goods?

Spain mostly uses ships and one of the exports of Spain is olive oil.

What were Spain's main goods?

Spain selled oranges, and apples. They also where farmers, they sold crops and tabacco.

How did Columbus's failed attempt to find Asia actually benefit Spain?

He brought gold, and goods for Spain.

What animals where used to transport goods from Spain to rome?


What problem did Mexico's War of Independence finally solve in 1821?

Mexico did not have to pay food and goods to Spain for their villages anymore

What transportation does Spain use to ship their goods?

automobiles are very popular in Spain,but they often use trains