

How do gases condense?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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13y ago

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Gases are condensed at low temperatures.

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Q: How do gases condense?
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What gasses condense?

Gases with low boiling points, such as water vapor, can condense into liquid form when cooled. Additionally, gases with high vapor pressure can also condense under the right conditions.

When gases loss heat they what in to liquids?

turn. jkjkjkjk condense

Which two gasses do not condense when air is cooled to 200 degrees centigrade?

Oxygen and Nitrogen are the two gases that do not condense when air is cooled to 200 degrees Celsius. They remain as gases at this temperature.

What is uncombustion gases in steam ejector?

Incondensible gases, are gases that do not condense and do not dissolve readily in hot water. Steam ejectors are used to remove these gases from a condenser.

What gases can be changed into a liquid?

Gases that can be changed into a liquid through compression and cooling include nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, and helium. These gases have specific temperature and pressure conditions at which they condense into a liquid state.

How do gases behave under different pressures and different temperatures?

Gases behave differently at different pressures and temperatures. At low pressures, gases expand to fill the available space. At high pressures, gases become more compact. At low temperatures, gases condense into liquids or solids. At high temperatures, gases expand and exert greater pressure.

Is steam from a steam train a gas?

No. It is water vapor. It acts similar to gases in some respects, but it is truly water vapor and will add to the atmosphere, when released, as moisture which can then condense and precipitate out, which gases will not do at ambient temperatures.

Gases can be squashed compressedbut solids cannot?

In gases, particles are widely spaced and have high kinetic energy, allowing them to be compressed easily. In solids, particles are closely packed and have strong intermolecular forces that prevent compression. This is why gases can be squashed or compressed, while solids maintain their rigid shape.

Is there dirt on Saturn?

No. Saturn is one of the "gas giant" planets, which means it is made up entirely of gases, some of which condense due to the planet's tremendous gravity.

What is the function of a condense?

to condense

When gases lose heat they into liquids?

When gases lose heat, they cool down and their particles slow down, eventually losing enough energy to change into liquid form through a process called condensation. This transition occurs when the temperature of the gas decreases to its condensation point, causing the gas molecules to come closer together and form a liquid.

Stars and planets are made from gases in a?

Stars and planets are made from gases found in nebulas, which are large clouds of gas and dust in outer space. These gases primarily consist of hydrogen and helium, with traces of other elements.Gravity plays a crucial role in the formation of stars and planets as these gases condense and come together under their own gravity to form these celestial bodies.