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they got alot of gold

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Q: How did the forty-niners adapt to the west?
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What were fortyniners looking for?


Why were they called fortyniners?

The forty niners were called the forty niners because the gold rush was in 1849.

What inventions helped settlers adapt to the west?


How did the south west native Americans adapt to their environment?

gay people did it

How did Chinese Americans adapt to life in the west?

Many became farmers.

What were the fortyniners of the California gold rush named for?

The '49ers were named so due to the Gold Rush having began in 1849.

How do people adapt to living in the marine west coast climate?

People living in a marine west coast climate often adapt by wearing layers to deal with the variable weather, utilizing waterproof clothing and gear, and taking up outdoor activities that are suited to the climate such as hiking or fishing. Additionally, they may invest in energy-efficient ways to heat their homes due to the damp and cool conditions typical of this climate.

What farming techniques helped farmers adapt to dry environment in the west?

They built windmills and plows

How did Mormons adapt to life in the west?

They adapted well. They built homes, farmed and ranched. Started businesses and expanded across the west.

What farming techniques specifically helped farmers adapt to the dry environmental in the west?

They built windmills and plows

Marine west coast?

deciduous forests

How do humans adapt to their environment for west Virginia?

by studying their enviornment, wearing the right clothing in/for the winter and summer, and even the way they eat.