The History of Liverpool can be traced back to 1190 when the place was known as 'Liuerpul', possibly meaning a pool or creek with muddy water. Other origins of the name have been suggested, including 'elverpool', a reference to the large number of eels in the Mersey, but the definitive origin is open to debate and is probably lost to history. A likely derivation is connected with the Welsh word "Llif" meaning a flood, often used as the proper name for the Atlantic Ocean, whilst "pool" is in general in place names in England derived from the late British or Welsh "Pwll" meaing variously, a pool, an inlet or a pit.
the largest city in merseyside - liverpool
Liverpool is a city in England
Liverpool is a city.
London, Carlisle, Birmingham, Liverpool
Liverpool is Football Club
No, Liverpool is a city in the country of England.
No. Liverpool is an entirely different city.
Liverpool is a city in the United Kingdom, which is located on the continent of Europe.
Maybe Liverpool, England
Liverpool City Council has written: 'Smithdown ward profile'
No. In fact, Liverpool is one of the richest.