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Q: How did the cavaliers and the round-heads identify themselves in battle?
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Who was the battle of naseby between?

It was between the Parlimentarians, or roundheads, and the king's royalists, or Cavaliers.

Who won the English civil war battle?

oliver cromwell or parlement or roundheads

Who had more men in battle roundheads or caverliers?


Facts on the battle of edgehill?

I have 5 1) The person who won the battle was not decided. 2) It was Charles I against Prince Rupert. 3) It happened on the 23rd of October 1642. 4) The Royalists were known as the cavaliers and parliament the roundheads. 5) There was a tower built to mark it in 1760.

Who was leader of the Roundheads in the English Civil War?

A Roundhead was a soldier who supported the Parliamentarian cause during the English Civil War.They were given this nickname because of their hairstyle. The Royalists/Cavaliers had long hair, often in ringlets, while the Parliamentarians (Puritans and Roundheads) wore their hair short in a pageboy like style.The word Roundhead was not liked by the Parliamentarians and they made it an offence to use it.The round-heads were followers of Parliament in the English civil war

What weapons were used by roundheads at the battle of naseby?

muskets, pikes, pistols and swords.

What uniform did the roundheads were and colour?

The Roundheads typically wore plain, practical clothing in earthy tones such as brown or grey. They often wore metal helmets for protection in battle. Uniformity was not as strict as seen in modern military uniforms.

What are the two sides of the civil war?

Essentially the war was fought between King and Parliament.The two sides that fought in the civil war,there names are as followed or nicknames for them are roundheads and cavileres.And parliament was roundheads and cavileres were the Kings men and nobles.that is right

What did the Roundheads do to prepare inexperienced soldiers in the English Civil War?

Basically, at first, the Roundheads' didn't really help their new, inexperienced soldiers. Army commanders used their own knowledge - which was often rudimentary at best! Then, in February 1645, the new model army was created. Inexperienced soldiers were subjected to rigorous, tough and thorough training to prepare them. This was very effective as it meant that the soldiers knew how to handle themselves in a battle situation and eventually helped the Roundheads' to win the Civil War. Soldiers were also paid the equivalent of 10p a day, something which often stopped them from deserting! Hope this helped. Members of Parliament were called Roundheads because of the close haircuts favored by the Puritans. Gradually the royalists were defeated.

Why did the Roundheads win the battle of Naseby?

the royalists didn't win the battle of naseby.

Who was involved in the first battle of the civil war?

The Union and The Confederate Armies ************** The Cavaliers and Parliamentarians fought against each other in the English civil war.

Where did the battle of marston moor take place?

it was an army of parliamentary and scottish troops who wonthe battle