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Q: How did the cardinals destroy the ring?
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What did they try to destroy in the lord of rings?


What is used to destroy the ring horcrux?

The sword of Gryfiindor.

What horcrux did Dumbledore destroy?

Marvolo Gaunt's Ring

Where do sam and Frodo destroy the ring?

Cracks Of Doom

How long did it take to return the ring to mordor?

Frodo failed, he could not destroy the ring, it took control of him and he claimed ownership of it (attracting Sauron's attention). It took Gollum biting off Frodo's ring finger and falling into the "Cracks of Doom" to destroy the One Ring.

Why do they want to destroy the ring in the Lord of the Rings?

The ring was made by Sauron, and when it was made, He put some of his power into it. Sauron was an Maia. Meaning he was one of first people on Arda, part of the Valar. The ring bears some of his life force, and whilst the ring is intact, sauron cannot be killed. The reason they have to travel to Mt. Doom to destroy the ring is because it was forged there and no other thing on arda can damage it Hope this helped

How did dumbledore destroy Lord Voldemorts ring?

Albus Dumbledore was the head of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series. Lord Voldemort created horcruxes from different objects including a ring. Dumbledore was able to destroy Voldemorts ring by stabbing it with the sword of Gryffindor.

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yes but they might destroy it..

What is the task for Lord of the Rings?

To destroy the ring in the fires of Mount Doom .