A contest was held when the mascots were being created and my wife, Nicole Glennie, submitted the names Buzz and Boomer when she was a very young girl and was chosen as the winner.
Yes it has been confirmed but they may not be called the Winnipeg Jets and it isn't Pheonix that's coming to Winnipeg
As of now the Jonas Brothers are not going to WinniPeg. -Giovanna.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
from the Spartans back than........it was because of all their toughness that made them wanted as a mascot
The B1 Lancer bomber was originally invented by Rockwell Industries in the USAThe B1 Lancer bomber was originally invented by Rockwell Industries in the USA
in November maybe i think they're coming for their world tour I'm not pretty sure about this. PLEASEEEEEEEEEE! COME TO WINNIPEG! :)
come out an play
The Winnipeg general strike came to an end because most of the strikers got arrested, killed, or injured on "Bloody Saturday"
The Winnipeg Jets are from the Canadian province of Manitoba. Winnepeg is the largest city in the province, and the city has hosted the Jets since 2011.
Well, Now some people know more about winnipeg,And their not totally dumb when it come's to talking about or where Wininpeg is. And plus the people who own the stores that sell the shirts are raking in the money .
If you're trying to come up with a slogan or catch-phrase for Allstar/Competitive cheer:Be An AllstarDo you have what it takes to be and Allstar