The FA was founded in 1863.
do, do#, re, re#, mi, fa, fa#, sol,sol#,la,la#,si, and you start over again from do
It's like saying, "Let's get this party started!" Literally, the "fa" is a note on the scale, you may recognize it with the rest of them: "do re mi fa (sol la ti... do)"... so it'd be something like "Start in (the key of) 'fa'". "Arranca" = start (up your car, to leave on a trip, etc.). And it's a famous salsa song by Sonora Carruseles... you can find it on YouTube.
1871/72 season. won by wanderers.
3 o'clock
Deck the Halls
Do mi re so ti do la so la so ti do re mi fa so la la so re do high la do re mi so fa fa fa do do do. And start over again 3x
Fa Fa was created in 1998.
do do re do fa mi do do re do sol fa do do do la fa fa mi re tib tib la fa sol fa do do re do fa mi do do re do sol fa do do do la fa fa mi re tib tib la fa sol fa
You can start on the internet. Google "minor emancipation for (your state)" Answerhttp://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/statutes/docs/FA/content/htm/fa.002.00.000031.00.htm#31.001.00