The franchise was formed in 1946 and known as the Buffalo Bisons. After only 13 games in its inaugural season, owner Ben Kerner moved the team to Moline, Illinois. (At that time, the area was known as the "Tri-Cities" (Moline, Rock Island, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa.), though today it is called the Quad Cities). Kerner renamed the team the Tri-Cities Blackhawks; the Blackhawks were named after the Black Hawk War that was mostly fought in Illinois.
In 1951, the franchise relocated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and shortened their nickname to simply "Hawks"
They play in Atlanta, which is in the name of the team.
because of shayan
Atlanta Hawks
Larry Drew
Who is number four for the Atlanta hawks
Yes 1985
Kyle Korver is number 26 on the Atlanta Hawks.
Adreian Payne is number 5 on the Atlanta Hawks.
Al Horford is number 15 on the Atlanta Hawks.
DeMarre Carroll is number 5 on the Atlanta Hawks.
Dennis Schroder is number 17 on the Atlanta Hawks.
Elton Brand is number 42 on the Atlanta Hawks.