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The game evolved from Football (now called soccer as well) In 1823 William Web Ellis was playing the game at his school. In those days hadling the ball was allowed but the rules of football required the player carring the ball to retire backward to make a pass to a team mate. They could not run forward with that ball. Web Ellis picked up the ball in such a game and ran forward toward the opposing goals. The games played after this at the school and then in ubiversities found people running with the ball in hand. Then in October 26th 1863 the formation of the Football Association occured and rules of play were developed. This removed handling the ball and hacking, hacking was basically kicking the legs from under a player with the ball. Because of the handling rule change. Meeting were hald with clubs who fought against the removal of the ball carrying idea. By the sixth meeting, a schism had clearly arisen and the 11 Rugby clubs, led by Blackheath, declined to join the Football Association. The Birth of Rugby now occured with the 11 teams forming the Rugby Football Union".

The team Rugby Football Union stayed in place and is still used today .

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Rugby: The game came fom soccer. The person responsible for that change belongs to a youngster named William Webb Ellis, a student at the Rugby secondary school. As the story goes, one day in 1823 in the closing moments of a soccer game, the end of which was signaled by the ringing of the five o' clock bell in the school tower. With his team Rugby being down by one score and time expiring, Ellis caught a long kick and in some mood of mad desperation took of running with the ball toward the opponent's goal. On that day poor ole Ellis was called everything from a "Spoilsport " too a "poor-loser", but it was the start of something new. Rugby wasn't born on that day, however it was a start. Later on, the idea of running the ball was discussed around the school and shortly it became part of the football games that were played there (yes the school imparted its name to the new game). By the middle of the nineteenth century, soccer and rugby moved up to the university level in England. Independent clubs would be formed in almost every major town, and they would compete against each other.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

sport begins in the early 19th century at the private Rugby School in Rugby, England. When its alleged the-then 17 year old pupil William Webb Ellis, picked up the ball and ran with it

The UNION term came later in 1870 when the Secretary of Richmond FC proposed a meeting to draft a code or separate rule set from that of Football (soccer) This took place shortly after on January 26th 1871 and was attended by 21 clubs at the Pall Mall Restaurant in London's Regent Street. This is wheren the UNION term came in to being and the development of the game really began

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The game of rugby has very deep connections to a number of games where a pigs bladder was used in a village games and where the "scrum" was literally half of a village trying to push another half off the ball to get it. It was certainly more of a free for all. But there are line of connection to the Scottish Borders Jeddart Ba' and Cornwall Cornish hurling, Central Italy Calcio Fiorentino, South Wales cnapan and Ireland had caid, an ancestor of Gaelic football

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you get smashed bro

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How many players are in a rugby l team at the start playing?

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The ever first rugby match union?

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