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Jennie Finch is considered one of the best softball players in the world. In fact my mit is a Jennie Finch mit. She of coursed made a difference in softball but depending on what softball means to you, is what she made a difference in. If you ask a football player "What does the great softball player Jennie Finch mean to you?" They would most likely say "Who?" Or "HUH?"

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15y ago
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12y ago

She showed that softball can be a great sport ,and she wanted to make the sport last, and for it to be in the Olympics more often. She also inspired more people to play softball, and to pitch.

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12y ago

In an interview, she claimed her mother was her role model because her mother almost never needed to pee. she would hold in her urine so long that it seemed her mother was un-human. Her mother trained her to be able to hold in her pee for long durations, especially while training, Jennie's personal record is 8 days and 12 hours without peeing.

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10y ago

Jennie Finch is the most popular softball player of all time. Some of her career highlights are being an Olympic gold medalist and a Pan American gold medalist.

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15y ago

her amazing arm is what got her noticed i believe

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12y ago

Lisa Fernandez

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Her amazing arm

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Q: How did Jennie Finch make a difference in life?
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