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From Canada Girl Bills Fan

Following the 1946 season, in an effort to generate more fan interest and distinguish the football team from the city's minor league Baseball and hockey teams, which also bore the name "Bisons," the team ran a contest to select a new name. Over 4,500 entries were submitted, and "the Bills" won over "Bullets," "Nickels" and "Blue Devils." Several contestants suggested the winning name, but James F. Dyson was named the winner of the $500 prize based on his essay comparing the team to a band of "Buffalo Bills." He wrote that, while the legendary Indian Scout William "Buffalo Bill" Cody helped trailblaze the American Frontier, the football team (owned by the president of Frontier Oil) was opening a new frontier in Buffalo sports.

There were two winner's of the contest to name the team "the Bill's" and the other winner was my father, Don Sweet. Rather than write an essay explaining his choice,because he was an artist, he drew a picture of Buffalo Bill wearing a football helmet, riding a buffalo across a football field. That drawing became the program cover for the first season. My father's signature is on the lower right hand corner "Don Sweet". Dad boasted about the $500. check he received, along with "the other guy" who won the contest.

Several years ago, following my Dad's death in 1999, at the age of 77, my brother-in-law, Bill Rupp, was able to buy original programs from The Bill's first season which he framed along with one of the articles written in The Buffalo News during our super bowl years 1991-1994 about my Dad and gave one to each of my four sister's and myself. We treasure this gift.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

They were named in honor of Buffalo Bill Cody, a famous cowboy and showman in the late 19th century.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

For buffalo bill Cody

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βˆ™ 13y ago

William Fredrick Cody

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