The simple answer is yes. Like all contact sports there is a high level of risk involved in the game and sadly there have been significant injuries resulting in paralysis and there have been some deaths
Yes. In either code the game is a high contact sport and can and has had serious accidents with sadly some fatalities. However, the governing bodies do try to ensure that players take reasonable care of other players and has instructed referees to dismiss those found playing dangerously.
Broken fingers, thumbs, noses, collar bones along with cuts requiring stitches are a frequent occurrence. But as an ex-player I love the game - these things happen....
The answer is probably not 100% clear. In football the players wear helmets and other protective equipment, but as a result, they tend to hit far harder than they do in Rugby (either Rugby Union or Rugby League). Some evidence from U.S. High School teams suggests a lower injury rate for Rugby, though it could simply be that Rugby is on its best behavior since it is a fringe sport in the USA.
No. It depends what the sport is. Lawn Bowling could hardly ever be dangerous, on the other hand, Rugby in Yorkshire mining towns can be very dangerous
Rugby Union
Rugby is fairly minor compared to most sports there; while there are clubs and lower levels and it does have a national team, they are not very strong in terms of international achievement..
Rugby league is very dangerous. The most dangerous thing in rugby league is conor mac he WILL break you in half
Yes, there is a JD Sports in Rugby Town.
The Italian rugby team are sometimes referred to as the Azzurri, like other Italian sports teams. Also like other Italian sports teams, they usually play in blue.
Rugby, rugby, rugby, rugby, rugby, rugby and some cricket.
Yes they did play sports like rugby
There are sometimes numbers on rugby shirts. But this is not the number of the player who is wearing the shirt like in most other sports
Rugby or Rugby league
Kandy Sports Club - Rugby - was created in 1874.