attempt to fake out the defender just like you would on a jumpshot. go up for the layup and bring the ball up high with both hands (grip it tightly) and right when the defender jumps and swings his arm to block it , swing the ball down in a circle (clockwise or counter) this point the defender can no longer block it so now bring the ball back up and lay it up as you always would... and dont be afraid to get bumped becuase more than likely the defender will either back up so a foul isnt called, or he will bump you hard which will cause a foul anyways!
The odds are the closer the player is to the basket when they shoot, the better chance they have to make the shot. That would make layups and slam dunks the shots that basketball players make the most often.
Yes you can, but you can't intentionally push someone over. Basketball, on paper, is not a contact sport, but when you actually play it, it is.
The outcome of the election was contested, with both candidates claiming victory.
On December 4, 2009, Tracy McGrady of the Houston Rockets scored 13 points in the last minute of a game (in fact, within 35 seconds!) against the San Antonio Spurs. He scored 4 three-pointers including a 4-point play. The Rockets scored 17 points in the last minute (possibly a record), and they had a net gain of 11 points in the last minute (also possibly a record).
He changed it because they had to make it so during a free throw you couldn't go in the paint until it hit the rim.
BasketballAppealingSwishKeep tryingEnduranceTeamworkBasketball is the best sport in the worldAlways make new friendsLoudLets play ball!
No, flour and water do not make paint.
The only way to make a paint colour lighter is to add white paint to it. The amount will depend on how dark the starting paint colour is, how pale you want to make it. But usually it make a lot of white paint to noticeably lighten up a paint colour.
You can make it,through some clothing.
practice loser
A girls basketball is easier to make a basket with because of the size and weight no matter the gender