Bert Lown died on November 20, 1962, in Portland, Oregon, USA.
If you are 20 years old, when were you born?If you are 20 years old, you were born in 1990.
They can live up to 20-25 years old mine lived up to 22 years old.* *(I wouldn't bank on that, most rabbits live 7-10 years.)
she is 20 years old.
20 years
depends on the statement being made. "she was 20 years old" "i dated a 20-year-old"
20 years old
A 20-year-old wolf in human years would be approximately 94-100 years old in wolf years, depending on the breed and individual factors.
Yes, Beauty and the Beast is 20 years old.
David Henrie is not 20 years old ,okay!
Chris Brown was born on May 5, 1989.He is 20 years old. Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988.She is 22 years old.
20 years