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Basically, the more you adhere to God commands and prevent yourself from doing what you are forbidden per Islam to do, the more you be better Muslim and the more you get closer to God.

Quran says (English meaning translation): "Say (O Muhammad SAW to mankind): 'If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Quran and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.' (31)" [Quran, chapter 3, verse 31].

Believe in and follow the following principles:

  1. Monotheism: Islam, as its name means, is peace and the call for full submission to God, the one and only one, with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no resemblance. This full submission to God leads to peace in yourself and between yourself andthe universe that you are part of it.
  2. Muhammad prophecy: Prophet Muhammad is God messenger and prophet to call for Islam.
  3. Quran holy book: Quran, Islam holy book, was revealed by God to Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel. Quran is the text of God holy words that remained without single letter alteration or addition since Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) until present and will remain as such until (with God promise) the Day of Judgment. See related question, below, on why Quran was revealed.
  4. Sunnah: Prophet Muhammad sayings, doings, and practices that are recorded and authenticated by sincere early Muslims and followed up by Muslims.
  5. Islam five pillars: These five pillars to be believed and followed up in by all Muslims. Denying any of them intentionally and knowingly by any Muslim gets him/her out of Islam faith. See related question, below, on Islam faith pillars.These five pillars are: 1) witness that no god except the one and only one God (Allah) and Muhammad is his messenger and prophet, 2) performing praying (Salat), 3) pay the alms giving (Zakat), 4) fasting Ramadan (Sawm), 5) and doing pilgrimage (Hajj) by who can afford it.
  6. Faith Principles: To have faith in:
    • God (Allah)
    • God Angels
    • God holy books (including Psalms, Torah, The Bible, and Quran)
    • God prophets (including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad; peace upon them)
    • day of Judgment
    • Destiny
  7. Muslim conduct: To follow the Islam morals guided by the Quran and Prophet Muhammad Sunnah. See related questions, below, on Islam ethics and moral.
  8. Good deeds: Muslim is not only commanded to perform ritual worships but also, and equally important, to do good deeds for the benefit of oneself, family, community, and humanity.See related question, below, on Islam major teachings.
  9. No religion compulsion: You are created free and you have full choice to believe in the religion and principles that you find them correct. Only God, the Creator and the All-Knowing, will judge your choice on the day of Judgment then, in the other eternal life, you go either to Hell or to the Paradise (with God mercy).See related question, below, on Quran Golden rules.
  10. Cooperation for mankind goodness: God created people in different races, colors, peoples and tribes, and cultures not to live in conflicts but to compete in doing the good and to cooperate in piety and for mankind benefit. See related question, below, on how Muslims treat non Muslims.

See related questions below for more information.

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