Competition, morality, integrity, ambitions, exciting, amusing, challenging, most of all, HOPE, sport gives countries hope and faith to live another day to see their favorite athlete amaze them in any way possible.
Sports build unity among a group of people pushing toward a specific goal. They may not have anything in common beside their love of the game, and that alone draws them together. Like any relationship, sports teach teamwork. An athlete is no longer a individual unit but part of a whole. Sports force people to deal with different personalities and temperaments. Speeches on this topic could include examples of Super Bowl teams or teams that overcame great diversity to succeed.
The football and cricket World Cups, World Baseball Classic, smaller meets like the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games.
Bring Us Together happened in 1968-10.
It brings us together by the freedom you get.
it brings us together because it has are hopes and dreams
He would end the war for the US, and, as the saying went back then, bring the "Boy's Home!" And he did!
The White House brings us,people together by it's pie
George washington
About 7 million US a year
By Socializing and the love of soprts and friendly compition.
When we decide to let go of ego!
It's an important symbol.