You buy a football, put some shirts down on the grass in the absense of goalposts, and then you and your friends kick the football around trying to "score" the football between the posts. It's a simple game really. Your "teams" don't need to include any rockets scientists or nothing.
I Think People in Australia participate most in Tennis and soccer. There is the Australian Open and the World cup Soccer soo... Yeah watever
Soccer Futbol
in India its not their religion to play soccer
soccer,football,baseball, and basketball
Men's soccer for Bulgaria.
usually at portuguese church parties or soccer games portugal participate in
I do participate in soccer because it is a fun exhilarating sport where you get to show off how fast you can run towards the goal and weave in and out of the other players line. It is also a great feeling hitting the soccer ball just right and watching it sail into the goal.
It would depend on where you live ... guessing that your from the US by calling it soccer and not football there are not many people that are into that sport in the US but world wide it is the most plaied sport ...
Yes, but they don't participate in the international world cup