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Since energy cannot be destroyed but transformed the force that has been applied to the object has to be expressed as a change in the objects properties, such as its state of rest, speed or direction of travel, temperature etc.

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Q: How can a force change the motion of an object?
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How can you change the motion of and object?

You can change the motion of an object by applying a force to it. This force can change the object's speed, direction, or both. Additionally, changing the mass or shape of the object can also affect its motion.

What is the function of force and motion?

Force is a push or pull that can change the motion of an object. Motion is the change in position of an object over time. Together, force can cause motion by accelerating an object or changing its direction.

Can forces change an object motiin?

Yes, forces can change an object's motion. When a force is applied to an object, it can cause the object to accelerate, decelerate, or change direction. The change in motion is determined by the magnitude and direction of the force applied.

If a force is applied to an object the object's will change?

If a force is applied to an object, the object's motion will change according to Newton's second law of motion. The object will accelerate in the direction of the force applied.

Does a force always change an objects motion?

Not necessarily. If the force is balanced (equal in opposite directions), it will not change the object's motion. However, an unbalanced force will cause an object to accelerate in the direction of the force.

How do force and motion relate?

Force is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. Force can cause an object to accelerate, decelerate, stop, or change direction. Essentially, force and motion are directly related, as force is what causes changes in the motion of an object.

Can a balanced force change the state of rest or motion of an object?

No, a balanced force does not change the state of rest or motion of an object. A balanced force keeps an object at a constant state of rest or motion, meaning there is no change in velocity.

What Primary factor that can change the motion of an object?

The primary factor that can change the motion of an object is an external force acting on the object. This force can cause the object to accelerate, decelerate, change direction, or stop its motion completely.

Is motion a force?

Motion is not a force; it is the change in position of an object over time. Force, on the other hand, is a push or pull that can cause an object to move or change its motion. Forces can accelerate, decelerate, or change the direction of motion.

Will an unalanced force acting on an object change the object motion?

Yes,unbalaced force may stop or change the direction of motion or accelarate the object.

How can the motion of an object change?

By the application of force on the object.

What must be changed in order to change the motion of an object?

To change the motion of an object, one must apply a force to it. The magnitude and direction of the force will determine how the motion changes. More force will cause a greater change in motion, and changing the direction of the force will also change the direction of motion.