Next to the United States, the UK has the largest community of paintballers.
One can find discounted paintball accessories from Just Paintball, Paintballing, Discount Paintball, Zephyr Paintball, Outpost Paintball, Paintball UK and Armed Paintball stores.
There are numerous fields in the UK, most of them in the British Coloumbian province. Some are 3 vally paintball, adrenaline, and Bushwacker paintball. go to for a full diectory of UK fields.
extreme sports.
Paintball is a $700 million dollar industry, that grows 25% each year.
There are no "child" paintball teams anywhere.
Yes, there are many paintball playewrs in teh UK
A paintball is about 1.6 inches in diameter.
A sporting goods store, paintball shoppe or field.
Mine's Big Paintball. ;)
normally 13, but it vary from different paintball fields.