Well, on court its 7 per team :) but there has to be like 2 or 3 substitutes :)) xx Fifii xx
Yes, Netball is a team game.
The best netball team is the swifts
The Melbourne Vixens is a netball team that is from Melbourne, Australia.
The Fever Netball team comes from WA (Western Australia)
No particular team player is responsible for the toss, but the captain of the netball team
No, you don't have to be an experienced netball player to play for a netball team. Everyone has to start somewhere. Start & you will soon get better. best of luck
7 players in a netball team
the best netball team ever who are superior and can beat all teams
The Aussie Netball Team and the Silver Ferns
what makes a netball
Liz Ellis is the captian of the Australian netball team 2009 By Tiffany Gregory