The Wembley pitch size is 105 metres (115 yards) long and 68 metres (75 yards) wide.
Allan :)
110*70 m
7200 Meters square
Im not sure but i know a pitch which is 110metres x 76metres which is pretty big
UK- football pitch. US- soccer pitch, soccer field.
Is a football pitch a 100 metres in length?
None. It is something they say to try and give you an idea how big something is as most people can envisage the size of a football pitch.
in Somalia there are 17 football pitch. there many small pitch's but the most famous pitch's are 17
Camp Nou (Barcelona F.C) see its dimensions at wikipedia (it's the largest legal dimensions)
On a football pitch of course.
The dimensions of a standard football pitch in kilometres are 0.105 x 0.068km.
9 aside football pitch size