field hockey
No Field Hockey balls are too hard and are not bouncy enough for lacrosse.
Field Hockey or Lacrosse
they r on a field
hockey & lacrosse
No, lacrosse is not the same thing as field hockey. In field hockey you use a stick with a curved base on the ground and hit it to your team mate, or you can dribble it up the field. The goal in field hockey is much bigger than a lacrosse goal. In lacrosse you throw and catch a ball using a stick with a net and you can run with the ball in you stick. Lacrosse is a much faster paced game too. In lacrosse you wear eye protection and a mouth guard, in field hockey you wear shin guards and a mouth guard. Both sports are really fun.
lacrosse and field hockey
-Tennis -Lacrosse -Hockey -Soccer -Field Hockey -Basketball and Many More
no the are completely different in every way, if you were going to compare any thing to field hockey it would be on ground lacrosse
Lacrosse is alot like hockey so during the summer all the hockey players switch to lacrosse
lacrosse, field hockey, shinty(which is a scottish-irish sport which is like a mixture of rugby and hockey!)