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explosiveness, quickness, speed, acceleration, and agility.

A very important muscle in the sport of football.

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Q: How are calves used in football?
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Related questions

What are calves in French?

If calves is used to talk about the plural form of the calf muscle, it is translated as "mollets". If calves is used to refer to the youngs of certain mammals, such as a cow, it is translated as "veaux".

Why are some calves called bobby calves?

Bobby calves are those calves that are meant to be slaughtered when they're only a few days old. These comprise of mostly dairy calves that are not needed or culled from the milk cow herd and are used for veal meat.

What muscles do you use for football?

it depends on what positon u play but halfbacks need stong thighs and calves to drive through tackles

What is the hereford cow used for?

To produce calves that are sold for beef.

What is the average weight of calves used in steer wrestling?

The average weight of calves used in steer wrestling is about 250 to 300 pounds. This weight varies but usually stays within these parameters.

What is the average weight of calves used in calf roping?

In PRCA events, the calf must weigh between 220 and 280 pounds. Calves must be strong and healthy

What are dark red calves?

Calves that are dark red. These can be Saler calves, Red Poll calves, or a commerical mix-bred calf.

What is the average weight of calves used in bull dogging?

Calves would be around 350 to 500 lbs. Five-hundred pounds is probably the max weight for a steer or heifer used in steer wrestling or bull-dogging.

Is the football used in arena football bigger than the football used in the nfl?

No the football used in Arena football is the same size as those used in the NFL. This has helped some make the switch from Arena Football to the NFL and vice versa.

When was the white football was first used for official games?

2003 but it is only used in arena football and used to be used in canadien football

Are calves mammal?

Yes calves are mammals.

What do calves turn into on Farmville?

They stay calves