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im a 15 and a Rugby player aswell and during the season we train 4-5 times a week with club and rep teams to keep in condition... we did a 4 week weight program to build ourselves up in pre season and i go to gym 3-4 times a week and 4 weeks of fitness training in pre season .. if its cardio respiratory u want to be better conditioned in try long distant running or swimming but if muscular endurance gym shuld do it with sprint training

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Q: How a 15 year old rugby player can stay fit?
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How do you make a rugby player?

Find a club near you and join their sessions for your age group. To find a club try googling rugby and your country and then the clubs listed. There are two distinct codes. Rugby union and league. Check out both on you tube and see which you would prefer.

Who is best rugby player ever?

Because of the 15 positions there are a vast number of players in both code who fit question. Many of the answers will be individual opinion. However, the IRB do select their player(s) of the year and these could or should be in the top 10 in the world.

Does rugby make you fit?


What sports that makes you fit?

Rugby Union

Who was the oldest player to ever play nsw rugby league?

There are many teams of veteran rugby players, who recently competed in a tournament in Madeira which goes to show that rugby goes on past the thirty year age group. Personally I play for a team in Porto Portugal who field players upto the age of 50+ and i myself am 59 years and still a keen player playing whem time permits every Saturday throughout the year. I train every day to keep fit and from this feel a wonderful sense of wellbeing. As of July 15 2008, the oldest rugby player still playing is a 90 year old Japanese man named Sadayoshi Morita.

Is 90 pounds overweight for a 5' 2 9-year-old?

NO! To stay fit, exercise is the key! Eat healthy foods and be fit!

Are American footballers fit enough to play rugby?

technically yes

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im 12 and a rugby player hooker quite fit and i got 23 mins 33 seconds

Will a transmission from a 1999 chev truck fit into a 2002 chev truck?

If it was built in the LATE month of 1999 and does NOT have the 5.7L 350 in it then yes it will fit. If not then you will have to stay above the year 1999 to get 1 to fit.

How can you protect your self from injuries caused by rugby?

The best way is not to play rugby! However if you do play make sure that yo are as fit as possible.

What are the main vegetable to stay fit?

any vegetables you eat will help you stay fit

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