The WNBA player currently making the most money is Candace Parker. With endorsements and salary, she makes $3,000,000 a year. However, the highest salary possible in the WNBA is $105,000 a season.
Lisa Leslie I believe
Kobe Bryant is currently the highest paid player in the NBA.
The highest paid player at Real Madrid is Christiano Ronaldo.
Who was the highest paid MLB player in 1996?
The current highest paid player at Arsenal is their captain Fabregas, it is 150,000 pounds.
the highest paid soccer player right now is Javier "chicharito" Hernandez
In 2010, Alex Rodriguez was the highest paid baseball player. His salary was $33,000,000.
Alex Rodriguez is the highest paid player and he's getting paid $32 million in 2011.
The highest paid player is Luis suarez of Liverpool
It would be difficult to determine the overall average salary of all professional basketball players in the world. However, a simple average can be determined. The lowest paid professional basketball players are the lowest paid players in the WNBA at $35,880. The highest paid player in the 2011 season is Kobe Bryant at $24,806,250. The simple average between these is $12,421,065. This is by no means an accurate depiction of what the average basketball player makes. Basketball is played around the world, and the NBA is the most prestigious, highest paying league. The WNBA has 12 teams, six in each division (East and West). There are 684 players (currently-2011) in the WNBA. The highest paid among them (Lisa Leslie) makes $103,500, so the average is $69,690 a year. An estimate of the worldwide average for all professional basketball players would be in the area of $100,00 a year or less US.
Kevin Garnett is the current highest paid player in the NBA.