they are tougher built so they can guard the quarterback and running backs they also have a lower point of gravity which can help them push the opposing line away
Offensive Line, the five players in front of the quarterback.
The line in front of the quarter back
The back 4
Only front line players.
The equipment football players drag across the field when they are training is called football sleds. They use this as a way to strengthen their defensive line.
4 players are here one human from front line,one for rear one for vertical lines one for center line.
A field hockey team consists of 10 players 3 defense or backs, 3 midfielders, 3 front line, and 1 striker that is right between the front line and the midfield
There are two major football teams in Bristol, Bristol City and Bristol Rovers. The line-ups depend entirely on which players the manager chooses to play. The players could vary due to injuries or current form.
A backfield is the area of play in football behind the offensive or defensive line, or the players positioned in this area.
3 Meter line.
Association football, soccer, there are 11 players a side. Rugby football; rugby union has 15 a side, rugby league has 13. Australian football, Aussie Rules, has 18 a side. Gaelic football has 15 a side. American football has 11 a side. Canadian football has 12 a side. Winchester football has either 6, 10, or 15 a side.
There has to be 11 players on offense and Defence for every play. There has to be at least 7 players on the line of scrimmage prior to the snap of the ball. This applies to both offense and defence