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Q: Has there ever been a perfect games with an error from a dropped foul ball?
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In baseball can you make an error on a foul ball?

Yes. A dropped foul ball can be considered an error if the official scorer deems that the player should have caught the ball. The batter will not reach base in this case. However, if the batter subsequently scores a run, the run will be unearned. Notably, an error on a dropped foul ball would not disrupt a pitcher's attempt to record a perfect game.

Who gets the error if the thrown ball is caught in the baseline and the runner knocks the ball from the glove?

This will depend on the situation. If it is a poorly thrown ball where the runner would be out on a good throw the person who threw the ball would be charged the error. This would be an instance where the 1st baseman had to jump or dive to catch the ball then apply the tag. If the throw is a good throw and basically dropped the the person catching is charged an error. If it is an instance where it is a collision at home or any other base an other then the fact the ball was dropped due to the collision then nobody would be charged an error

If the third baseman drops a foul ball and is charged with an error and the pitcher retires everyone with no one reaching base is this a perfect game?

No. A perfect game is no runs, no hits, no errors and no walks. I believe that rule stands even if the batter does not reach base on an error. Opinion .... yes, it's still a perfect game. The definition of a perfect game is one in which no runner reaches first base (any way, hit, error, hit by ball, etc.). On a foul ball error, if the batter does not reach first base (strike out, any other way), he is still just another one of the 27 outs in a perfect game. Yes. The definition of a perfect game is 27 batters up and 27 batters down without a single batter reaching base safely. An error that does not result in a batter reaching base safely has no bearing on a perfect game.

Is there a link between the height the ball is dropped from and the height to which it bounces?

Yes, there is a relationship between the height the ball is dropped from and the height to which it bounces. In a simplified scenario, the higher the ball is dropped from, the higher it will bounce due to the conservation of energy and the conversion between potential and kinetic energy during the bounce.

Exact verb for dropped?

I dropped a ball

A sentence with the word dropped in it?

He dropped the ball.

Is it an error if the runner and fielder get tangled up and the foul fly ball is dropped by fielder?

No. The runner would be called for interference if, for some reason, he ran into the fielder.

What factors affect the bounce of a dropped ball?

The factors that affect the bounce of a dropped ball include...... the height from which it is dropped; the force applied to it, if any, when dropped; the acceleration of gravity, which is different depending upon what planet you're on ; the elasticity of the ball; the density of the atmosphere, which affects "air resistance"; and the rigidity and elasticity of the surface on which the ball bounces.

Is the volume of water displaced when a golf ball is dropped in a large beaker greater than the volume of the golf ball?

Yes, but only if there is air, dust and other molecular scale debris attached to the ball. In a perfect universe, where nothing but the ball enters the water, then the volume would be exactly the same as that of the sphere.

Is the height of a ball bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is the height of the ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is the height of a ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes, the height of a ball's bounce is affected by the height from which it is dropped. The higher the drop height, the higher the bounce height due to the conservation of mechanical energy. When the ball is dropped from a greater height, it gains more potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy during the bounce resulting in a higher bounce height.