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Yes very many times.

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Q: Has anyone ever been knocked out during a NHL hockey fight?
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What is an Unwritten rule in hockey?

During a fight, as soon as a person falls to the ice, the fight is over.

What is decking in ice hockey?

Decking is slang for a big body check/punch during fight delivered from one person to another during a hockey game.

What happens when you fight during Olympic hockey games?

Players fighting in Olympic hockey receive a match penalty and are ejected from the game.

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What is hockie?

Ice Hockey is a sport with 2 teams 2 nets and a puck. Each team has a goalie with a lot of padding on. Ice hockey has 3 quarters that are 15 min long. You can "check" or hit a person with your own body but not with the hockey stick. And some times you might get in a fist fight until some one gets knocked to they ground. That is just a brief discription on hackey. :)

Was sugar ray Leonard knocked down by ayub kalule?

No! Leonard knocked down Ayub Kalule. The fight was stopped after Kalule got up. Fight seems to have been stopped, prematurely!

How long was the last Mayweather fight?

His last fight was against Ricky Hatton, he knocked him out in after 2.35 in the tenth.

Who did Portugal fight with in world war ll?

Portugal was neutral during World War II so didn't fight anyone.

What is ice hocky?

ice hockey is a sport with 2 teams 2 nets and a puck. Each team has a goalie with a lot of padding on. Ice hockey has 3 quarters that are 15 min long. You can "check" or hit a person with your own body but not with the hockey stick. And some times you might get in a fist fight until some one gets knocked to they ground. That is just a brief discription on hackey. :)

What are some misunderstandings or myths held about hockey?

that all hockey players do is fight and drink beer

What do you do if you get punched?

You Have To Fight Back Or You Will Get Knocked out If Possible phone99 inuk or 911 in the usa

What do you if you get punched?

You Have To Fight Back Or You Will Get Knocked out If Possible phone99 inuk or 911 in the usa