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Yes. Miami (FL) beat Florida 31-4 in 1987.

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11y ago

Yes on November 25 1923 the Racine Wisconsin Legion beat the Chicago Cardinals 10 to 4.

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it never happeded

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13y ago

no there has not

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Q: Has any pro football team ever scored just 4 point in a game?
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None, because that's not possible with the scoring system in Football.

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What is the highest amount that an Oklahoma football team has ever scored in a single game?

82 vs. Colorado in 1980.

What the most point that can be scored in a football game?

if your talking on a single score, its 6 points. in a game for a final score, it is infinante but usaully never over 100.

Has there ever been a 5-8 football score?

In the NFL, there has been one 8-5 game. That was in the 1994 season when the Falcons defeated the Rams by the 8-5 score. The Falcons scored a TD followed by a 2 point conversion and the Rams scored a field goal and safety.

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No, no NHL player has ever scored a goal in every game of the season.

How many points were scored in one football game?

Well, ONE football game was the LSU-Ole Miss game this past Saturday. In that game, 65 total points were scored by both teams, 41 for LSU, 24 for Ole Miss.

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In a premiership game of football when are most goals scored?

Most goals are scored in the last 20 minutes in a E.P.L.