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Q: Has a losiing team in the nfl ever made the playoffs?
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Yeah playoffs plenty of times and he made it all the way to the 2001 finals against the Lakers.

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Ben Roethlisberger

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No, not only did Archie Manning not play in a Super Bowl but no team he played on ever made the playoffs.

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As of the 2011/2012 NHL season no team has gone 16-0 in the playoffs.

Has a team ever had to lose to make the playoffs?

No, the extra win always helps.

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New York Yankees

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the conn smythe trophy is given to the MVP of the playoffs. so, in order to win the conn smythe, a player has to be on a team that is in the playoffs.

Has an NFL team started with 1 wins and 7 losses and made the playoffs?

No, but the Cincinnati Bengals started 1-6 in 1970 and made the playoffs.

Did a nba team ever beat the team that swept them in the regular season in the playoffs?

yes los angeles and phiphidalphia 76ers