Heres a good cheer if your the xmen who are we xmen who are we xmen how do we play xtreme
some cheers are hard it depends on how good you are :))
Geers are the opposite of cheers, almost like booing and heckling geers are not a good thing for a player to receive.
If you mean cheers, as in a toast to fortune and good health, a common word is "salud."
I think if you are looking for basic softball cheers, I think this is a good website.http:/ Although since i am experienced I have heard most of these cheers but this website has probably hundred's and categorized them by our team, your team, your pitcher and so on. I really hope this website helps
the UGLY cheer
Good-bye! cheers!
They dont say 'cheers' when having a drink, they say 'good luck' which translates to 'Chohk Dee.'
make sure the cheers are short and do not have any complicated motions
Slainte means cheers to good health
Proast! german for "cheers!"
he we go team
Iechyd da! (literally "good health!")