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A good example would be something like a strong work ethic or something along those lines.

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Q: Give an example of how values and goals affect career choices?
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How values affect the Business processes?

The values which a business holds can directly affect their processes. For example, a company who values recycling may do everything they can to ensure a paperless environment and prevent waste.

The person may not have made a wise choice initially the career they selected may no longer exist or their values and interests may have changed?

It is common for individuals to outgrow their initial career choices due to changes in their interests, values, or shifts in the job market. It is important for individuals to reassess their career path and make adjustments as needed to ensure fulfillment and success. Seeking guidance from career counselors or mentors can be beneficial in identifying career opportunities that align with their current goals and values.

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Self-assessment plays a crucial role in career planning as it helps individuals identify their strengths, weaknesses, values, interests, and preferences. Understanding oneself better through self-assessment can guide career decisions, set meaningful goals, and choose a path that aligns with personal aspirations and values. It provides a foundation for making informed choices and pursuing a fulfilling career.

Do you need to revise your values when you find that your choices are out of alignment?

That is a possibility. If you would give us a specific example, we might give you a more specific answer.

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