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Q: From which team did Liverpool sign Kevin Keegan?
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Who have played in the Premiership managed in the Premiership and managed a National team?

Kevin keegan Was a hero at Liverpool. Didnt do well managing England and Newcastle

Which football team fielded 7 England captains in one match?

Southampton . Keegan, Mills, Shilton, Channon, Ball, and 2 others Dave Watson ?

Who is Keegan Herring?

Keegan Herring is a running back for the Arizona State University football team. Click on the 'Keegan Herring' link on this page to read his bio from ASU.

Does Liverpool have a ladies football team?

Yes Liverpool has a ladies football team.

Who is the best football team Aston Villa or Liverpool?

Liverpool the team i hate

Is Liverpool a Catholic team yes or no?

Not particularly, Although Liverpool is an excessively catholic team

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Which team is better Manchester United are Liverpool?

Liverpool, no question

What team in the premier league are known as The Reds?

It is Liverpool.

Who are the ghosts in cod ghosts?

You, Hesh, Merrick, Keegan and the rest of the team.

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Which is the better football team out of Liverpool and Manchester united?

Liverpool are the best football team ever so don't Dis LIVERPOOL THROUGH AND THROUGH