Thierry Henry is French and did once play for arsenal.
It is Luin dublin the Irish footballer.
It is Nickolas Anelka, with Arsenal, Bolton wanderers,Manchester City, and Chelsea.
Anders Limpar
Anelka micheal thomas
Following his exit from Arsenal in 2006, French footballer Robert Pires joined Spanish side Villarreal.
It is Kanu who played for Ajax, Arsenal, and Porthsmouth as well.
Gael Clichy (born July 26, 1985 in Toulouse) is a French footballer who currently plays for Manchester City and the French national football team. Prior to his career at Manchester City, he had previously played at Cannes and Arsenal.
Mikael Silvestre plays for the Portland Timbers since this year (2013). Before that he played for the FC Dodsal (2012) and Werder Bremen and FC Arsenal.