A foul will usually result in a free hit to the other side, if within the 25 yard line it will result in a penalty corner, if in the "D" or the strike zone it will result in a penalty shoot out.
foul play
Foul Play Suspected was created in 1935.
Foul, meaning: 1. Disgusting, vile 2. "Foul!" at a football match (bad play or something not allowed.)
you can play floor hockey, roller hockey, or field hockey
They sit in the penalty box.
you get corners when the opposite team gets a foul inside the circle.
foul as in; foul smell: nauseabond, infect, sale foul as in; foul play: jeu deloyal (malveillance)
Foul play is like something done roughly not gently
Its just a conspiracy, I personally think that there was no foul play.
"Foul Play" by Janet Evanovich and Dorien Kelly was first published on July 12, 2008.